Modern Architecture of Lisbon, Portugal

The modern architecture of Lisbon, Portugal is seen with its symmetrical rectangle, composite material, and wood fixtures contrasted against a clear blue sky, circular lines, and sandstone walls. The city's public space infrastructure showcases the various tints and shades of its automotive wheels, glass, bricks, tar, and grass.


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a woman is talking on the phone walking by a building and trees with round windows
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a street in front of a white building with two circular windows on the wall, as if in the street,
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the building is white brick with two round windows, as if to be reflected on glass
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a building that has a large circular window in it's side wall that looks like some kind of building
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two white benches sit at the base of a large building on concrete and two circular windows sit at each end
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a circular mirror reflecting the blue sky in an outdoor courtyard area with stone and glass
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a person riding on a skateboard in front of a building with a big curved building
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