The Modern Architecture of Berlin

The Sony Center and Potsdamer Platz, a hub of urban design in Berlin, Germany is a profile of modern architecture and metropolitan infrastructure. With a blend of concrete, glass, metal, and other composite materials, the city skyline is illuminated with tints and shades of white, black, and grey. High above the zebra crossing and subway station, the pedestrian bridge provides a handrail for a view of the patterned asphalt, tile, and flooring below.


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shadow from the sun on a building wall and walkway with a sign that reads,'this place is a hospital in america
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the walkway outside of the building is covered with large windows and stairs next to it
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this is an entrance to the station with stairs and balconies on either side
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a large wall with an advertising sign on it next to windows in the building with the sunlight casting long shadows across the floor
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a building with an escalator and stairs near the entrance to a building with windows and large glass windows
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an empty hallway with light coming through it, with the ground next to it and two escalators on either side of the entrance
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