Aerial View of Los Angeles, USA
An aerial view of Los Angeles, USA reveals various features of the metropolitan area, such as artificial turf, backyard gardens, balconies, boardwalks, bridges, buildings, campuses, clear skies, clouds, composite material, cricket stadiums, decks, designs, elevated structures, estates, fences, floors, flooring, golf courses, grass surfaces, green lawns, guard rails, handrails, hardwood, hills, homes, iron, landscape, light, lines, lowlands, mounds, mountains, natural vegetation, neighborhoods, non-building structures, open spaces, overlooks, paths, piers, plains, profiles, properties, recreational areas, residential areas, roads, road surfaces, roofs, rivers, sea, slopes, staircases, state parks, suburbs, suns, surfaces, suspension bridges, tennis courts, terraces, trees, urban designs, villas, walkways, and wood floors.