Why Do We Ask for Credit Card Info for Free Accounts?

Have you ever wondered why some websites and platforms--including CGI.Backgrounds--require your credit card information even when signing up for a free account or trial?
It may seem counterintuitive and even suspicious, but there's a good reason for it.
In this blog post, we'll discuss why we ask for a credit card for free accounts and how it helps to verify users and provide a better overall experience.

The Importance of Verification

One of the main reasons we ask for a credit card for free accounts is to verify the identity of the person or company creating the account.
It serves as a simple yet effective way of confirming who you are. By requiring credit card information, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of fraudulent accounts or misuse of our platform.

Unique Licenses for Images

Even for our free downloads, we grant you a unique license to use our images. This provides you with the assurance that you're accessing a professional asset with straightforward rights, even on our Free tier.
But it also means we need to verify who we're licensing the image to in order to provide that assurance. That's where your credit card information comes in handy. By confirming your identity through your credit card, we can be sure we're granting the appropriate license to the right person or company.

No Unexpected Charges

Rest assured, we will never charge your card unless you upgrade to a paid account or otherwise make a purchase. We understand that providing credit card information can be a cause for concern, but our main priority is to ensure that your information is secure and never misused.

Secure Storage with Stripe

To further ensure the security of your information, we store your credit card information securely with our payment provider, Stripe.
Stripe is a leading payment processing platform that adheres to the highest industry standards for security and data protection. Our staff has no access to your credit card information, ensuring that your sensitive data remains private and secure.


In conclusion, we ask for a credit card for free accounts primarily to verify the identity of our users and to provide unique licenses for our images.
This process ensures a better overall experience for everyone involved and allows us to maintain the integrity of our platform. Your trust and security are our top priorities, and we look forward to sharing our pro-grade images with you.


  • Ben Chambers


    Since 2004, Ben Chambers has leveraged his deep experience in the sales, marketing, and leadership space as a Co-Founder and Partner at CGI.Backgrounds. Chambers manages the company's relationships with enterprise clients, as well as partners and contributors.