Skyboxes for Video Games; Creating Realistic CG Skies

A skybox is a tool used in video game design to create the illusion of a three-dimensional environment within your game world. Skyboxes combine a series of static or dynamic images rendered onto a cube's inner surface surrounding the game world.
The six images that make up the skybox form the top, bottom, front, back, left, and right sides of the cube. These images are often panoramic photographs or other CG images that are designed to provide a background that is seamless and looks realistic.
Rendering complex skies in a videogame is computationally intense and often unnecessary. Skyboxes create the illusion of a 3D space with a lot less work and computation!

Using Skyboxes

Skyboxes are commonly used in video game design to create the illusion of a larger, more immersive game world, without the need for additional geometry and textures.
They can also be used to simulate various environmental conditions, such as day and night cycles, weather patterns, and even imaginary places, like the atmosphere of an alien planet or scenes in outer space.
Skyboxes can be static or dynamic, and some games even allow the player to manipulate the skybox through in-game actions. For example, an in-game action might change the time of day or weather patterns, and the skybox can reflect this.
In many cases, the skybox is designed to move with the player, so they are always centered in the middle of the box. Because there’s no parallax effect, the objects in the sky always feel like they’re at an infinite distance, creating the illusion of a large space.
Today’s games often add additional elements at intermediate distances, too. These do more with a mild parallax effect. This creates the impression of an infinite background, semi-static midground, and interactive foreground.

HDRi Maps for Video Game Skyboxes

HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imaging) maps are often used to as the images rendered onto a skybox in a videogame. HDRI maps are a type of image format that captures a wider range of brightness and colors than a traditional image. 
In the context of video game design, HDRI maps can be used to create skyboxes that accurately reflect the lighting and environmental conditions of a real-world location. 
For example, a game set in a forest might use an HDRI map of the sky and surrounding landscape to create an environment with realistic outdoor lighting. If weather conditions change in the game, different HDRi Maps captured in varying conditions can be applied to the skybox.
The use of HDRI maps in skyboxes can also add to the overall visual quality of the game by allowing for more accurate lighting and reflections. 
For example, if the skybox reflects the bright light of the sun, the game's surfaces will appear to reflect that light as well, creating a more believable and immersive experience for the player.
As Gamesradar writes , “the skybox is capable of far more than simply stopping multiplayer maps from trailing off into abstract blackness.”
A great skybox can add to the game’s narrative, create a specific atmosphere, guide the player, or even hint at the game’s sequel.

Where to Find Images for Skyboxes

Overall, HDRI maps are an important tool for creating realistic and immersive skyboxes in video game design, and they play a key role in creating visually compelling game environments.
Here at CGI.Backgrounds, we’re experts in creating professional HDRi Maps . We have maps and backplates for thousands of real-world locations worldwide, which you can license for use in videogames.
Check out our plans and pricing page for more details.


  • Thomas Smith

    Director of Communications

    Thomas Smith is a professional journalist, photographer, and CEO of Gado Images, an AI-driven content agency. Smith uses his degree in Cognitive Science from Johns Hopkins University and 10+ years of photography industry experience to provide insight on industry trends.