September 2024 Artists of the Month: Daniel Vidal and Leonardo Leme

We typically award our Artist of the Month designation to an individual artist. But this September, we wanted to acknowledge the fact that the artistic process often involves a great deal of creative collaboration. 
For that reason, we’ve chosen a rare duo for September Artist(s) of the Month!
Daniel Vidal and Leonardo Leme are two talented 3D artists based in Brazil. Working in 3DS Max and Corona, they recently collaborated on inspiring renders of the Lamborghini Revuelto.
Vidal, who does a great deal of work in the architectural visualization space as well as automotive rendering, handled the work of rendering a digital twin of the Revuelto in 3DS Max.
As a retoucher, Leme used Adobe Photoshop for post-production to make the resulting renders absolutely stunning.
Vidal and Leme showcase the Revuelto traveling through a nighttime urban environment. The choice of setting and the use of light really make these renders stand out. 
Most of our Artists of the Month feature their vehicles illuminated with natural light. Vidal and Leme took a different approach, showcasing the Revuelto at night, exclusively illuminated by artificial light.
Crucially, they varied the lighting in their scenes. One render shows the Revuelto traveling at high speed through an urban tunnel. 
The blurred background creates a sense of immense speed, and the overhead lights in the tunnel create beautiful reflections on the body of the Revuelto.
The lighting and the render merge perfectly with the headlights and tail lights of the Revuelto, creating a seamless overall look.
Likewise, an outdoor rendering of the Revuelto features the stark white light of street lamps, which also casts compelling—if very different—reflections on the vehicle. 
In this render, the headlights and tail lights of vehicles are shown in the background–along with illuminated signs on nearby buildings–adding a sense of authenticity. It really feels like the Revuelto is traveling along a city street! 
In a final series of renders, we see the Revuelto rounding a corner and crossing over a bridge. The blue hue of the lighting on the bridge complements the blue bodywork of the Revuelto, which is shown in extreme close-up in several other renders.
In this case, the artificial light not only adds unique reflections but also complements the overall color of the vehicle and the sky.
We love that Vidal and Leme also give us a behind-the-scenes look at their process by sharing several wireframe images and screenshots from their design workflow. 
Again, some designers share a few process images, but this pair goes above and beyond in showing us the technical side of how their render came together.
Of course, the duo’s collaboration extends even further. You could say there’s a third collaborator on this project—CGI.Backgrounds! 
Vidal and Leme used our RAY.HDRi Maps for the visuals and lighting data in the renders. Our RAY technology perfectly captures real-world light, even in challenging environments like urban nightscapes.
That makes it effortless for talented designers like Vidal and Leme to confidently add realistic, creative light and reflections to their vehicle renders.
We’re thrilled to celebrate our Artists of the Month for September and hope you find their work as inspiring as we do. You can see more of their work on Vidal and Leme’s Behance pages.. Make sure to join our newsletter to keep tabs on all of our Artists of the Month.


  • Randal Cumming

    CEO/Co-Founder, CGI.Backgrounds

    Cumming has more than two decades of experience capturing, creating, and transforming product offerings and workflows for clients across the globe. As the CEO of CGI Backgrounds, Cumming leverages his institutional knowledge and experience to help businesses plan and execute interactive, 3D digital strategies that increase consumer engagement and achieve revenue growth goals.