Light and Life in Japan

If we didn’t have light, we couldn’t see. But this doesn’t mean people pay attention to light. We take it for granted because it’s always at our fingertips, force-fed to us, or in extreme cases - comes alive if we know how to make it. 
But light is what gives the world and all objects in it their shape and is the fuel for most of what is in our minds.
Tokyo is a city that never sleeps, and its light is the heartbeat that keeps it alive. I’ve seen many places, but nothing quite like the way Tokyo lights up. It’s a place where light isn’t just there to see by, it’s there to feel. It’s raw, and it’s real.
In Shinjuku, the lights are cold and bright, almost clinical. They cut through the night like a scalpel. You walk through those streets, and the light reflects off the buildings, creating a maze of reflections. Every angle, every surface, bouncing light back at you. It's like the city is alive, and it's watching you.
Then you have the old streets of Asakusa, where the light is softer. Lanterns glow with a warm, welcoming light. It’s a different kind of energy. It’s calm, and it’s inviting. You can lose yourself in those alleys, the light guiding you gently.
But Tokyo isn’t all soft light and gentle reflections. It’s also the blinding, buzzing neon of the pachinko parlors. These places are something else. They’re gritty, loud, and the lights are relentless. They flash and flicker, drawing you in, keeping you there. It’s a rough kind of beauty, but it’s part of what makes Tokyo what it is.
For anyone in design or advertising, Tokyo is a goldmine. The way light interacts with everything here is like nothing else. Every moment, every scene, tells a story. The light on a rainy day in Harajuku, the shadows at sunset in Ginza – they all have something to say. You just have to be there to listen.
And if you’re into cars, Tokyo is heaven. The way the light hits the sleek lines of a car, the reflections in the mirrors, the way everything gleams under the streetlights – it’s poetry. The city’s light turns cars into moving sculptures, each one a work of art.
In Tokyo, light isn’t just something that happens. It’s something that lives and breathes. It’s part of the city’s soul. 
For a photographer, it’s the perfect subject. You can walk these streets for hours, days, and never run out of things to capture. The light here is endless, and it’s always changing. So next time you find yourself in Tokyo, take a moment to really see the light. It’s more than just illumination. It’s life.


  • Randal Cumming

    CEO/Co-Founder, CGI.Backgrounds

    Cumming has more than two decades of experience capturing, creating, and transforming product offerings and workflows for clients across the globe. As the CEO of CGI Backgrounds, Cumming leverages his institutional knowledge and experience to help businesses plan and execute interactive, 3D digital strategies that increase consumer engagement and achieve revenue growth goals.