Cut Your Emissions With Virtual Production this Earth Day

Earth Day (Saturday the 22nd of April) is here, and that means it's the perfect time of year to focus on the climate and on protecting our planet's precious resources.
In celebration of Earth Day, we are CGI.Backgrounds recently took a deep dive into the data on media production and climate impact. We were astounded by some of the statistics. A typical large media production (like a film production, television episode or large advertising campaign) can generate as much as 2,800 tons of CO2 . That's the same as 11 round trips to the moon.
The good news? Virtual production (such as using HDRi Maps and Backplates for virtual automotive shoots or LED walls and HDRi Maps for studio productions) can reduce CO2 emissions by 75-95%. Over our 20-year history, CGI.Backgrounds has reduced CO2 emissions by 1.92 million tons--as much as over 250,000 homes.
The even better news? If you are using our industry-leading HDRi Maps and Backplates in your own process, you're already with us on this journey, and already doing your part to help reduce the climate impact of media production.
Why not share your impact in an Earth Day Tweet or Linkedin post? You can link to our study to show how using virtual production cuts climate impact:
If you're not using our HDRi Maps and Backplates already, Earth Day is the perfect day to sign up. Head to our Plans and Pricing page to sign up, and start down your own path to reducing your climate impact.
Earth Day is all about conserving our planet's resources and minimizing our environmental impact. Here at CGI.Backgrounds, we're committed to achieving climate benefits, and thrilled to have you along on the journey.



  • Randal Cumming

    Cumming has more than two decades of experience capturing, creating, and transforming product offerings and workflows for clients across the globe. As the CEO of CGI Background, Cumming leverages his institutional knowledge and experience to help businesses plan and execute interactive, 3D digital strategies that increase consumer engagement and achieve revenue growth goals.