CGI.Backgrounds Will Present at Michigan Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Association Meeting on 1/26

CGI.Backgrounds is excited to present an introduction to our CGI and 3D design technologies at a meeting of the Michigan Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Association on January 26, 2023.
The meeting will take place at the Lawrence Technical University at 5:30PM .
The meeting will include a deep dive into some of the new immersive technology showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2023, as well as networking with technology influencers (CGI.Backgrounds is included in that category!).
The meeting is hosted by Karl Daubmann, Dean of the LTU College of Architecture & Design.
At the meeting, we’ll be showcasing many of our advanced technologies for automotive background images and CGI tech for the automotive industry, including our premium HDRi Maps and Backplates.
That said, we’ll also be available to answer questions about architectural visualization using CGI technologies , which is a growing space that students in the field should be aware of.
We firmly believe that virtual production and virtual experiences are the future of the metaverse , and so we are excited to share our virtual reality work with members of the association.
We’re also excited to showcase our Free and Personal/Student subscription plans . We expect many students and new 3D designers to attend the event, and these free or low-cost HDRi Map and Backplate download plans are a great fit for students or burgeoning 3D professionals on a budget.

We look forward to this upcoming meeting. If you’re planning to attend and have any questions about CGI.Backgrounds, feel free to reach out to , or to try out our Free plan .


  • Randal Cumming

    Co-Founder / CEO

    Cumming has more than two decades of experience capturing, creating, and transforming product offerings and workflows for clients across the globe. As the CEO of CGI Background, Cumming leverages his institutional knowledge and experience to help businesses plan and execute interactive, 3D digital strategies that increase consumer engagement and achieve revenue growth goals.